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First, say that the person threatened you to be with them, and if you didn't, they would kill the person you most love. That, or just tell the truth and don't ever cheat again.

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Q: How can you deny you had an affair?
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Of course. But rule #1 as President (or any important public figure for that matter) when it somes to a scandal is to deny, deny, deny.

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It is said that Tallulah and Billie went around with each other and may have spent some nights together, but there are no sources to deny or conform this.

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I would say maybe. There were lots of rumours. Chemistry was definetely there. And, during their interviews, no one could deny that Gurmeet would look at her with such passion in his eyes and constantly staring at her lips.

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Deny deny deny!

How do you use deny?

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The word "deny" is a verb.

Did the US sell arms to Iran during Reagan's term?

Yes, they illegally sold arms to Iran and finally admitted to it. They continued to deny that it was a part of any arms for hostages deal (See Iran-Contra Affair).

How do you spell deny?

The word is likely deny (to contradict or naysay).