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* This is indeed a difficult situation and there are few options for you. The first thing you should do is sit down and communicate how you feel to your husband even though (hopefully) the affair is over. Unfortunately, with the unemployment rate peaking it's not as easy to find another job unless one has a degree and even then it's questionable. Sit down with your mate and see if there is a way he can change to either another branch of the company or possibly look for other work. It would have to be him changing jobs and not you because if you left the company then you would never trust him working near this other woman. When on mate has broken the ultimate trust of loyalty by cheating it is difficult to earn that trust back from the mate that was hurt. If he can't change jobs and you can't trust him you may have to consider ending the relationship.

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Q: How can you deal with and get past your husband having an affair when you him and the other woman all work at the same place and you have to see her every day?
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Your detail is not really complete, and it will be hard to help you. So I will do my best. If you are the wife and you have this problem your life will be a mess more than you know. Did your husband knows what going on behind his back, if he is the two of you are heading to a divorce court. But if your husband don't know and you fell in love with the man that you're having an affair it will not be fair to your husband. My question to you is, are you sure that you want the other man, or it's all about lust?..

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Your husband kissed someone all night and said he was not cheating?

find out who he kissed and if it gets to u kick him to the curb ANSWER: Yes it is. What you husband is doing, is cheating in the heart. Making out with this woman can justify as cheating. They haven't reach the second level of their relationship. Married men will always say they weren't having an affairs, because only kissing. Men thinks that having intercourse with the other woman is affair. My husband included. And the man I married is well educated, so for him to tell me that he wasn't cheating or having affair is lame. In short he is having an affair because he is kissing a woman who is not his wife..

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That would be the man she is having an affair with but I'm not really sure what you could call him

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Call the cops or you can just fight her.

Is it possible for a husband to have a sexual affair with no feelings toward the other woman?


If your husband stops bathing at home receives gifts starts chewing gum is not himself says he has lost interest and ask you questions about having sex with other people is he having an affair?

It sounds as though you are becoming the other woman despite being the wife.

How can you tell that your husband have affair with other woman?

Ask the other woman if she says no then he is if she says yes then she is also. Why dont you just dump your husband and then you will know.