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Well first beg! If that doesnt work then say that she is the best mom ever and you never ment to do whatever you did. If she buys that then tell her you want to talk about it. That always works!

If that doesnt work ask your dad to convince her you didnt do it. You ask why your dad? Cause if your his little princess he will believe you! Why will your dad convince her you ask. Your dad is your moms best im mean best best friend in the whole wide world! If that doesnt work you should have gone on a diffrent site! : }

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when you get droped off from school go in the livingroom to watch tv.

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Q: How can you convince your parents to let you off punishment?
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depending on how strict your parents are. im 11 and i was able to get assassins creed 2. u can turn off the blood and the foul language is italian. note: my parents dont let me get anything i want. I wanted black ops but they wouldnt let me get that. By the way black ops u may be able to get. you can turn off bad language and blood

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Get a job and buy it yourself. Stop living off your parents money.Think your to young? Think again.

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she doesn't has to its up to the 17 year old and that is bad punishment

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Cut his head off

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If you have to convince them, they probably won't. However, they do not have to. He's your boyfriend, not theirs. What matters is your happiness. You can't base your life, love, & happiness off what they want & think. You'll never be happy that way.

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tell them that you will bring the trash (ones you are planning to move in with) home. First off they are not trash so why dont u shut ur mouth and not answer my ? if u dont have anything good to say that will help me out!!!!!

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No. I would not lay a hand on someone else's child. You would be much better off telling his parents what happened and let them decide on what punishment is appropriate.

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Call Child Protective Services on your parents. They've gotta be doing something so horribly wrong that you think you'd be better off at Gram and Gramps, right? Otherwise, if you're a minor, you really have no say in it. BUT, talk with your grandparents. Maybe they can give you some advice or talk to your parents for you.