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easy your better because your not the one who's copying someone. Chances are people know it to because they probably don't like that person because they know that, that person is a phony.

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Q: How can you Be better than your best friend who copies everything you Do?
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Why does my best friend copies me in everything?

* Since your friend copies everything you do and follows you around everywhere have patience because you are obviously their mentor and they look up to you. Some young people do not know how to act or dress so they are copying your style. If your are upset they follow you around all the time then be nice and just let your friend know you need some head space and take a few days away from your friend.

How do i know if my friend is my BEST friend?

If she/he is your best friend she will always support you in everything you do.

Who is youre best friend?

Your best friend is the one that you do EVERYTHING with. You can trust them and they can trust you.

Your best friend is great?

My Best Friend Is Everything To Me She's My World , My Angel , My Everything Shes There For Me Everyday and Whenever I Need Her Saphire x

I have co-signed for a friend for a new car Should'nt I have copies of all the paperwork on it?

No, you do not need copies, but can easily get copies by asking for them. Your first mistake was cosigning the loan. You are now responsible for this loan and you better pray he makes the payments on time. IMO, cosigning for a loan on anyone other than family is foolish at best. You may end up loosing a friend and lots of money to boot.

What is a friend that you can talk to them about everything and be there for each other?

Yes, there can a friend that you can be there to talk to. That friend is called your best friend.

Do you compare and try to be better than a particular person?

absolutely. i know i shouldn't, but i want to be better than my ex-best friend at everything. i'm trying to let it go tho.

Who is Chloe on dance moms best friend?

Chloes best friend is Paige they are called the twinnies and they do everything together.:)

Should you run for class president against your best friend?

It depends on situation. Only if you think you would be a better class president than your best friend, it is OK to run against him/her. However, it is better to talk to them about it first, so everything is clear between the two of you so that you won't risk your friendship.

Could your best friend be famous?

of course! everything is possible! :)

What to do if your best friend is a psycho gun nut?

Find a better friend.

What does john clark mean?

the best of the best the top dog the strongest,fastest,smartest,funniest,hottest guy who also has a huge dick and balls and is the best football player on earth and is better then his friend bilal at everything