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I don't see how they could. Why would you want to be married to someone who sleeps with other people? Even once would be the end for me.

I guess you could learn to live with sharing your husband or find someone who is worth your time.

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Q: How can someone fix a marriage after affair if the husband don't want to stop?
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Have been married 45 years cheated on husband second year of marriage Now all he does after all these years want you explain why you had the affair?

why dont you tell him why you had the affair and then he might back off abit

How can you tell that your husband have affair with other woman?

Ask the other woman if she says no then he is if she says yes then she is also. Why dont you just dump your husband and then you will know.

If your husband got caught in 3 yr affair and the OW dont want him he did not stop the affair on his own accord he is angry at you is he upset because the affair is over because he loves her?

it sounds like he is in love with her, or he would be trying harder to make your marriage work.

If a wife cuts off her husband from sex intimacy and has had an affair and only stays in the home to save money to leave is the husband wrong for having an affair?

yes.two wrongs do not make a right. Thou shalt not covert thou neighbors wife /husband. I would say that the marriage is clearly over is its clear the wife is only home to save money and is leaving. Discuss it and end it. If you like another person, be honest and let them know what is going on. If they want to continue seeing you then I dont see it as a problem unless the affair is going to complicate the divorce.

Ok you had an affair with a male you love each other?

This means that if you are with someone and have an affair you dont love the person you are with and want to be with somebody else or want to be single.

About your sister who have affair to other guy and she is pregnant right now which his husband and my family dont know this thing yet. especially for both of their husband and wife.?

It is none of your business. Stay out of it. You will only make it worse.

How the unhappy married woman stop emotional affair at workplace?

First, if you are unhappily married you should most definitely talk about it with your husband. See if there is something he can do differently to increase your happiness. Otherwise, move to Egypt. To stop your emotional affair (if you decide to leave your husband you dont have to) turn the person against you by avoiding them, so they constantly diss you so you no longer have your emotional affair.

Is your marriage legal because your husband got an id for you with a different date of birth?

in a way yes. only if you dont get caught

Can you become friends with someone you had an emotional affair with?

well u can be friends with anyone. Just dont mention that story to them.

How can I continue my marriage if I dont love my husband but have no financial means of supporting myself and my kids?

To be able to answer this question, we will need more detail, thus we simply advise you and your husband to seek a professional marriage counselor or a church minister or any religious representative.

What about the woman in the emotional affair with a married man?

You should think of it this way....How would you feel if your husband was having an "emotional affair" with someone...? Let the man dig his own hole, but dont be the one that helps him...He got married for a reason, so atleast let him get divorced before you start anything with him... Oh and what makes you think that a year down the road, he wont be having an "emotional affair" with someone else....if you do it once, 9 times out of ten you will do it again....hope this helped you out in some kind of way

If your husband made false divorce documents and you got married is your marriage anulled?

i dont know where you are from...but i would call a lawyer at your first chance and ask them! I'd be so mad at my ex husband!