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Well it could be that shes using you or that its just not working out, because being a friend and being a lover a 2 different things. Maybe she just wants more support from you as just a friend then a lover cause then there's more trust and more understanding. But if you still have feelings for her then just stay by their side, cause I bet you she must of had something for you if you made love. Just be careful and make sure shes not using you first.

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Q: How can she make love to you then want to be best friends?
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if you do want to be in a relationship just tell her that you love her but still want to be friends

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Is it bad to make out with your best friend?

Why would you want to make out with your best friend, they are your best friend not your gf/bf! I completely agree, but quite obviously you would like to be more than best friends with this person. Being "best friends" with someone is having a relationship that has much love, but nothing sexual. And you just stepped into that boundary, so you should not be best friends, you should be bf/gf. Or you can forget the incident and regard it as a mistake. Your choice!

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Because you are best friends and want to date his sister be honest with your best friend and whether they like it or not his sister is the one that decides if she wants to date you.

Do you love him want to be friends or want to be more than friends?

ask him if he wants to hang and then once you have gotten to know him see if you really like him then ask if he want's to be more than friends if he say's no then stay friends but before you ask him make sure he doesnt have a girlfriend.

What if you are best friends you love him but he does not want to admit it But you can feel and see it in his eyes whenever you are together?

first of all, make ABSOLUTE sure he loves you back. Then be straight forward and to the point. If he wont admit it its because he doesnt know if you love him.

What do you do when you are best friends with the girl you love but you don't want to be just friends?

Tell her how you feel. If she feels the same way, then you are in luck and can proceed with the usual going-out-relationship. If not, then you will always be friends anyway.

My best friend just got out of his first love relationshipand i admitted to him that i love him he said his not ready and to remain friends and something might happen how do i make him want me?

You wait. i know its not what you want to hear but you have to give him time. His heart needs to repair.You cant make him love you.but you'll know when he is ready to love right nao just be there for him. Over time, the more your there for him the more he may find himself in love with you.

Do you hate your best mates?

you should just tell them that yo want 2 make new friends or ignore them and make new friends that's what i did and it worked!!!

How do you say you love some one but keep them as friends?

If you are friends and "love" them but don't want to pursue anything it is best not to bring the "love" subject up at all - continue as is with your friendship. If you do want them to know how you feel to see if it is an option but don't want to ruin your friendship that is a decision you have to make if you really want to know - you will have to speak with your friend and let them know how you really feel and take things from there when you hear the response. If they are truly your friend they will continue being a friend even if they are not interested in you the same way.