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A lot of reasons, maybe she is shy when she is not with friends.

For example, a girl I know is in no classes with her friends, so is quiet in school. However, when she is with her friends, she screams and talks loudly and is not afraid to express herself.

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Q: How can a quiet girl scream so loud when she is with her friend?
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Why would a quiet girl scream so loud for no reason when she is with her best friend?

Most girls that seem shy may just be shy around boys or people they don't know well. She probably is just screaming because she is having a good time. when your with your friend you can let loose and not care what other people think.

How do you not be quiet?

You scream as loud as possible, you through things around and you talk loud! you break glass and other things, and RUN in bIG circles screaming your head off!

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The cast of A Loud Quiet - 2010 includes: Lavender Zhao as Neighbor - Mother Jessie Zhu as Neighbor - Girl

How could a quiet girl and her mom laugh so loud?

maybe because she knows her mum alot better, and isn't shy/quiet round her mum such as my wee sister is very quiet around other people. but is very LOUD At home

What type phrase is The quiet in the courtroom was loud as a train?

It's a simile. It is also an oxymoron, with the idea of loud quiet (the noun quiet modified by the adjective loud).

Will a quiet girl and a loud boy work out?

Answer Sometimes but nothing is cast in stone especially if he embarrasses her with his loudness.

Is an ant loud or quiet?

quiet for us.

Scream at the top of your lungs means?

it means scream as loud as you possibly can

What is the antonym for the word quiet?


When was Quiet Is the New Loud created?

Quiet Is the New Loud was created on 2001-03-06.

When was Quiet Mouth Loud Hands created?

Quiet Mouth Loud Hands was created in 2007.

What is the opposite meaning of 'loud'?

Antonyms for the word loud: inaudible, low, quiet, soft, subdued