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If you will not move on, Then move out. Make a choice and get it done.

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Q: How can a husband cheat on you and feel that the wife will not move on?
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It is unknown how many wife cheat on their husbands. Some wives cheat on their husbands and never tell.

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an exmisstress is a woman who a husband used to cheat on his wife with.

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yes. or maybe he thinks that the wife is not perfect enough. Or, husband finds someone better than the married wife.

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Why not?When a husband can do it , so can a wife, there's nothing wrong in that.

Why would a wife cheat on her husband?

She is bored, she's fallen out of love, she has found someone who makes her feel good in ways that her husband is lacking. There's no one answer because each woman has her own reasons for looking outside her marriage.

Why does a wife feel like her husband has died when she finds out that he had a long term sexual affair?

Defensive mechanism in her body..Telling her to forget him, so she can move on.

Y would a husband cheat on his wife 4 months because it was exciting n lied 2 his wife about how many times but wants 2 be with her but tells his mistress it doesnt matter how many times he cheated?

He's scum. Move on.

Husband wants a divorce in Texas Wife does not want to leave her home?

Then the husband should move out.

What is cheating in French?

To cheat (during an exam) is 'tricher' in French. To cheat on one's wife / husband is 'tromper sa femme / son mari'.

Should your wife still be in contact with him?

Gosh no, how can she justify the pain that she gave to her husband if she still contact him. If this is what she is doing, for God sake just get a divorce so both can move on. Just like when the husband is the one that had the affair, if he keeps contact with his mistress what do you think the wife will feel? Either way husband or wife that has the affair needs to be honest, and never contact the affair partner..