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Find a way to talk to a lot of girls. You need to get to the point where you don't care what they think about you, and you're just talking about something that doesn't seem threatening to you. Maybe get a job someplace where you sell stuff, and a lot of your customers will be girls. Perhaps you could talk to girls at church or in a club. Anything that lets you talk to them about stuff that doesn't force you to think up something to say. Once you can get past that, the rest will be a lot easier.

Maybe you should just act like your friends around the girls and just be your self. Close your eyes (don't actually close your eyes when you're talking) and pretend you're talking to your best friend. Unlike the answers above this one, this one is more of a... safe way. Just become friends with the girl, don't try to push becoming boyfriend/girlfriend. Girls are people, just like you and me, so it really helps to try to talk to them and let them know that your a nice person. The biggest mistake you can make is by asking her out right away. Trust me on that one. You need to become friends. I can't carry out a conversation well at all, but now I can actually talk to girls like their a regular person instead of someone that is unapproachable. Just be their friend, and eventually you'll stop being nervous. First, you have to get to know girls. Not in a boyfriend-girlfriend way, but as friends. Are you uncomfortable or awkward with your close friends who are boys? Probably not. It's the same with girls. Just get to know them, and be friends. Then eventually, you won't be nervous around them anymore. Pursuing a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship from the start is a big mistake because, to feel comfortable around a person, you need to get to know the person.

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16y ago

My answer is get some confidence. If you're nervous, you're being too hard on yourself, likely judging yourself more than the guys are. Look at yourself and find things you like. Wether it's the way your eyebrows raise when you smile, your hair color, the way you always try to dress well or the way you look like you have better things to do....these are the things a guy will notice about you. You can't expect a guy to like you if he sees your insecurity- guys don't want to be our babysitters and constantly tell us we are not fat! Get out there, pick one you think you may like, walk right up and be yourself. Ask if he's dating someone, and don't cry if he says yes or says he's not interested. Just get out there and see what happens. Always try to have fun, don't lie, and if he seems not to like something about you don't let him change it- be who you are have the best time you can. That's what dating is supposed to be about right?

Good luck and whatever you do, don't use pickup lines! ;)

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Q: How can a girl stop being nervous around guys?
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Sometimes, it's just the way a person is. But all in all, we're all nervous at times around the opposite sex. Just hang out with more guys, and talk and get more outgoing

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Yes, guys can get nervous around girls, just as girls can get nervous around guys. It's a normal human reaction when feeling attracted or wanting to make a good impression. Confidence and self-assurance can help alleviate some of those nerves.

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All guys are nervous when they ask a girl out for the first time. Period. No matter how cool the try to play it.

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Guys may feel nervous around a girl they like because they fear rejection, want to make a good impression, or lack confidence in their social skills. It's a common reaction when they have feelings for someone and are unsure how to express them.

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I would say that girls are just as nervous SOMETIMES, not all the time. Some girls are more mature than some guys.

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The best way i know how to check is try to see how she is around another guy. If she seems just as nervous it may mean that she is like that generally around guys, but if she doesn't it is most likely the effect you have on her. lizzy0izzy: well you never know for sure, maybe she already has a boyfriend and doesn't like being around other guys or maybe shes nervous cause she likes you ;) You could always ak her out and se what she says that will make things a lot easier and answer your question completely

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