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If you think you are abused you can contact the CPS and if itś serious they will help you with a foster home. If this is something that goes on but you have never talked to them about it or they have ignored it it can be good with family counseling. Talk to a adult you trust. You are way too young to move out or to get emancipated.

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Q: How can a 14 year old girl get away from emotionally abusive parents?
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she should call the police and have the abusers arrested!!! (EDIT BY Donnie-Darko) and yes. if there is certaintity of the abuse, she can legally stay at a trusted friend/relatives home. ONLY if there is proof of the abuse.

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Both are still minors, the parents can legally move her and the baby.

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Yes you would be wrong if she is under the age of consent.

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