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I'm a relatively popular girl myself, and I can tell you firsthand, you won't know until you ask. I know that for most guys the prospect of actually being up-front about feelings is alien and terrifying, but girls really do appreciate being spoken to directly. The best thing to do is to get her alone and be very direct. "Look, I've been hanging out with you for a long time and I get the feeling that you like me." Tell her if you return the affection or not. If she doesn't answer immediately, make a quick excuse and leave. She may need a while to sort out her own feelings. Maybe she's been flirting with you but she hasn't even noticed it - I've done this before, completely by accident. Don't take silence as an immediate "no". But above all, don't get a friend to ask her for you, or ask her impersonally, like by texting her. Your chances of success will be infinitely higher if you ask her yourself. I know that probably wasn't the solution you were looking for, but there you have it - there's no secret trick to it, or relationships would be way easier. Good luck getting the girl!

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Q: How can I tell if a popular girl likes me because I'm getting this feeling she does and all I want to know is does she like me?
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