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I have a 25 year old son who has not spoken to me (his mother) nor my family for over a year. Prior to this his now wife and her mother abandoned him on the side of the interstate because he would not stand up to me. Does the phrase "my way or the highway" come to mind? He had to beg her to take him back and tell me to never contact him again before she allowed him to come back to her. Unfortunately up to that point, I had basically not gotten the hint that she hated me and didn't want me in his life anymore. The day of the interstate incident I had made the horrible mistake of going to face them and find out what I had done, beg for forgiveness and a second chance to no avail. I then spent the rest of last year blaming myself trying to remember everything I did or said that could have caused this problem. I had never had anyone hate me this badly and couldn't believe people could feel this way without cause. I grieved and cried for over a year before I actually started going to counseling in hopes of finding out what I did so that maybe I could undo it. Through counseling I have come to realization that it is not my fault but more likely that my son has been brainwashed. I now understand that there is nothing I could have done to stop it, but I pray that in time he will come to realize what he has lost. I also now have my first grandchild that I have yet to meet. My advice is to pray for them, seek help for yourself, and move on with your life. I know it is not what you want to hear, nor did I, but it is the ONLY thing you actually have control over.

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Q: How can I stop my 24 y.o. son from being brainwashed by a 21 y.o. girl who is breaking up his family and calls herself his friend?
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