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In my own opinion theres only 3 things you can use, through his cell phone, email, and his time line to how long he works everyday.

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Q: How and which discret tools you use to catch your cheating husband?
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How can you keep track of your husband when you suspect he is cheating?

aside from the routine snooping, observe his body language and look -- tho don't over do it -- for discrepancies between his words and his body language including his actions. at some point, voice your suspicions and ask him directly if he's cheating. most liars are not hard to find out if you're paying attention.

Can you ever trust your unfaithful husband after his affair?

Trust is earned and your husband broke that bond of trust so he is going to have to earn it back. Both of you should seek marriage counseling to get to the root of why your husband thought he should cheat and the counselor can give tools for the couple to work with and strengthen their marriage. A marriage counselor is not there to blame either party, but to get you both to see the weak spots in your marriage and work on them. No, you will probably not trust your husband for cheating for awhile because trust is earned.

How do you show your husband that his affair is unjustifiable and you will not share your man will he keep cheating with this woman does he love her?

You can never be sure that your husband will never cheat again. If he has been a solid type of man in the past then he may have made a mistake which humans tend to do. Both of you need to seek marriage counseling to get to the root of the problem and to learn tools to deal with any problems in your marriage.

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You can catch some one elses pet in godswar but you can get tools and capture them in the wild.

On the land what tools did Maori use to catch food?

clubs and spears

What kind of tools do you use to catch salmon?

Buckets, Minnows, and Ropes defintly.

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The Pomos use spears to catch fish.

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A clear box with bird feed in it that has a trap door on it.

What tools did colonial fisherman use?

go for fishing

What tools do yokuts use?

Some tools used by the Yokut people include knives, scrapers, and arrows. They also used bows, and made baskets to catch fish.

What tools are used to hunt animals?

There are many devices that are used to catch animals such as nets. Ropes and traps are also used to catch animals.

Do you forgive yourself after your husband cheated on you?

If you have never cheated and just your husband has then it is not you that needs to forgive yourself, but your husband needs to smarten up and see what he has done to you. There are no excuses for cheating! If people are that unhappy in a relationship they should have the fortitude to face the person and tell them the relationship is over and then start dating other people. People who cheat are spineless; have no moral sense; do not respect the feelings of their spouse and are self centered and selfish. Your husband needs to earn your trust back if he wants to come back into the marriage and if so, then marriage counseling would be a good idea to give you both the tools to learn to communicate better and to deal with any problems you have in your marriage.