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If you like any boy, then you should just put your head up, and take the plunge. Some day when you are looking back, you will realize that the "popular" people actually have it harder than those who do not have as many social circles!

It is the bravery of the girl who simply ignores the "popularity" of guys and simply hones in on what she likes about the guy, and tells him in a direct way how she feels.

That being said, don't just thrust yourself forward and be "all his". Make sure you leave room for your feelings, your likes and dislikes, and your wants and needs.

Too often women abandon their own needs in favor of being "liked" by a person whom is "popular". They have tunnel vision and look only at the definition of " success" of the encounter as to simply have the guy return the flirtation.

Guys actually love a girl who holds her own and is not afraid to come forward and be herself, rather than act like someone else. (Sixteen Candles, the movie, is a good example of this)

Though it SEEMs impossible at the time to actually go forward and approach this "popular" guy- chances are that he is waiting for someone who isn't intimidated easily, and someone he can let HIS guard down with and just talk, share, and have a friend that could turn into something else.

In a nutshell- do it NOW, don't plan what you are going to say or do, trust yourself that you are a STRONG, INTELLIGENT, BEAUTIFUL (inside and out) woman with SO much to offer this guy- and the worst thing that could happen is that you don't have a "love connection" but if he tells you he does not care for you in that fashion, you can simply say "well, at least I made a new friend, which is to your benefit as much as mine!" and he will be blown away at how secure you are with yourself.

WHEN should you do this? During a social occasion, such as a party, dance, or other function where people are expecting interactions, meeting new people, rather than in a class at school where they are not in that frame of mind.

A note: perhaps you should do this all by yourself, and avoid the temptation of having a "friend" do the talking and communicating- as this just shows this young man that you are not secure enough with yourself to take on the challenge yourself

BE YOURSELF- and you will find popularity on your own!

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Q: How and when should you flirt with a popular boy?
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Flirt,flirt,Flirt i got my first boyfrined in 5th grade and all i had to do was flirt

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I don't see why not unless he has a girlfriend then don't bother and interfere with the relationship.

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Flirt! Talk to him, laugh at his jokes, and smile a lot. Just don't be a stalker!

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