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Q: He doesn't feel as strongly for you?
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What do you feel strongly about?

Well I feel strongly about getting my nails long. I was a biter but now I have white showing and hopefully I will have them longer!!

To feel strongly against?

To be adamant...

If you ask a girl to a dance and she says no because she promised her friend that she wil go alone so she doesnt feel lonely would she be mad if you ask another girl?

I strongly doubt it. Does she like-like you?

How do Hillary Clinton feel about minimum wage?

She doesnt She doesnt

Can you say 'feel more strongly' or does it need to be 'feel stronger'?

It depends on the context. "Feel more strongly" could be used in regards to an opinion, such as "I feel more strongly about world peace than I do about celebrity banter". "Feel stronger" is associated with your sense of physical strength, i.e. "I feel stronger after going to the gym for six months than I did prior".

What did Ruby Bridges feel strongly about?


What did Athena feel about Ares?

She hated Ares strongly.

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What did Christopher Columbus feel strongly about?

there was another continent out there.

How do East Asia feel about there education?

Very strongly

How did Sam Houston feel about the secession?

Strongly opposed.

How does a silk tie feel?

it doesnt