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If you want to peek a gals interest ; That's the best way!

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Q: Has anyone ever met someone they really had no feeling or interest in or even really got along with in the beginning and after time passed found yourself dating them later in the future?
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The feeling someone else's touch is specific and can only be obtained by someone else touching you.

What is to have sympathy for someone called?

Hello, Feeling sympathy for someone is feeling pity or feeling sorry for someone's misfortune. In other words feeling bad for something that happens to a person. Empathy, however, is when you understand and feel how another person feels based on their situation. It is similar to putting yourself in their shoes, and really understanding how it feels.

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Taste is a personal feeling. What tastes good to someone may taste disgusting to someone else. You have to decide for yourself.

Hate myself for loving you?

you shouldn't hate yourself for loving someone. love is a beautiful feeling never hate yourself it makes you feel confident.

How do you love a great girl?

Be motivated by their pleasures, not your own. When you love someone you MUST be generous, patient, and truly care about what the other person is feeling. The majority of people are only motivated when it comes to their own fears and pleasures. Feeling bad is very similar to feeling guilty. You must be un-selfish. This person needs to come before yourself. Think about them before you think about yourself. Love can not be about selfishness or be one-sided. Sometimes you will need to sacrifice parts of yourself for this other person. One of the biggest ways you can show someone that you love them is be devoting yourself to their wants instead of theirs. Take interest in their goals for their lives. Pay attention to them and do not neglect them in any way. Become interested in what they do, and learn about their wants.

Can you make yourself love somebody?

I definaltely think you cannot make yourself love someone if you don't already and automatically - you may be able to just continue on with them in everyday life, but how far can it really go if you don't truly love them from the beginning. ask yourself are you putting a wall up to keep from loving them because of something that happened in the past or have you never had feeling for this person? Yes, love is a choice, not a feeling. Love is when you decide you care about another person more than you care about yourself. Love is often confused with infatuation and lust, which are feelings, and not choices.

What does it mean to stand in someone else's shoes?

Standing in someone else's shoes means to put yourself in someone else's situation, to see what they're going through, to feel what they're feeling.

What does it mean when you can't remember the dream but remember the feeling of someone using your name?

This only means that you were sleeping soundly and did not awaken during the dream. The feeling of someone using your name is not particularly significant; it only means that your own subconscious mind was dreaming about yourself.

How do you stop being intimidated?

You cannot just instantly stop- It is a mental feeling and only you can help yourself. Just remember that if someone is making you feel like that, then you are much better then them, and they are probably scared or upset about home life. Just walk away feeling proud and good about yourself.

Do you get any feelings when someone is thinking about you?

No you can't really feel anything if someone is thinking about you, unless you know there thinking of you and you yourself have a feeling about them or about them thinking of you. So really I myself would say no, sorry

How do you know when someone is not in love with you anymore?

You know when someone is not in love with you anymore when things begin to lose their passion and interest usual signs might be their in appreciation for things, disinterest of things and the feeling as if things aren't the same as it use to be.