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A coconut slice? I have never anyone described as that before. Let me explain that Italians are latinos, I know that in the USA the word 'latino' refers to people from Iberoamerica, but Italian is a latin language. In fact Italians are really the original latinos. So if you are half Peruvian and half Italian then you are 100% latina!

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Q: Half peruvian and half Italian I know im half latina and half caucasian but... Am I mixed biracial Spanglish or am i consider coconut since said that.?
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Why not, its 2009. Ive been in many.

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As race is determined in the US. Yes, and no. The Caucasian type generally referring to white people, and white people are the majority. But, there is no notion of race in France. French consider there is only one race, the human race, and would rather talk about ethny or origins.

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The term "Caucasian" is often used to refer to people of European descent or those from the Caucasus region in Eurasia. However, many scholars and researchers consider racial categories to be social constructs with no scientific basis. It is important to recognize and respect the diversity and complexity of human populations rather than attempting to categorize individuals into narrow racial groups.

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It depends on who you ask. Additionally, Southwest Asians are not a homogenous race in the way that Europeans are universally (and without much argument) all considered Caucasian. The US Census Bureau considers Southwest Asians to be White/Caucasian. Most Arabs consider themselves to be their own race. Turks usually consider themselves to be Central Asian racially, like the people of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, or Mongolia (but not like China). Many regional ethnicists use the terms "Mediterranean" or "Olive" to describe the skin color of Arabs, Persians, Egyptians, Maghrebis, Southern Spaniards, Italians, and Greeks, which is darker than a typical Caucasian, but is lighter than Africans or Indians.

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Answer 1Palestinians Lebanese Jordanians are considered Europeans so yeah they are white.Answer 2It depends on how "dark" a white person can be before they are considered a different race. According to the United States census, Arabs are not sufficiently dark to merit being their own race and are lumped with Europeans under the term Caucasian. Most people, in their day to day lives, do not consider Arabs to be ethnically the same as Europeans and in this case, Palestinians would be an Arab population.

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President Barack Obama is definitely African-American: his mother was born in Kansas, and was American; his biological father was born in Kenya, and was African. He would also be considered biracial, since his mom was white and his dad was black.

What country is the whitest?

It's difficult to determine the "whitest" country as there are many factors to consider, such as population demographics, immigration patterns, and regional diversity. However, countries with predominantly Caucasian populations like Iceland, Finland, and Sweden may be considered among the "whitest" countries.

Is johnny mathis biracial?

I can tell you right now that Jonny Mathis is likely biracial. He appears to be the offspring of a white and black union. I say this because I myself am biracial and therefore can usually detect people of this heritage. Similarly as I can generally tell if a person is of a mixed union of hispanic and white or Asian and white heritage. However, I will use this as my golden opportunity to say how much it pisses me off when someone has the audacity to tell the biracial community what they are. Clearly, biracials run the gammit as far as appearance, some dark, light , blue eyed, green-eyed, straight or curly hair, but in the end it doesn't matter because you have two different parents with their own unique backgrounds which you have the right to celebrate and embrace. Yet, you continually see more mixed people and I am not referrring to the black/white mixture. I am referrring to the mixed unions of Mexicans or any hispanic race with caucasians and asians as well, and other minority races as well, and yet these people actually ignore their non-white background and assimilate themselves unto the caucasian community when clearly you can see they just like the black/white unions are mixed. They often have no resemblance or any outward characteristics of the "white race", yet they consider themselves as white and people don't argue with them to say otherwise. The media does this often, for example, you have two white parents and yet you see a hispanic, Asian or other minority child cast as the offspring of this union. I say to myself, "Are you serious" two whilte people producing a non-white child. Hogwash, is what I say, so stop telling black/white mixtures what you think they should be called!

Who was consider a mulatto?

A person with one black and one white parent. The term, mostly archaic, was applied to any biracial offspring, but more specifically to those of mixed black parentage, often to disenfranchise them or restrict their rights. or A person with parents of different races

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Hispanic is a term the U.S. government created to describe a group of people from a certain region Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Central and South America. If you have Spanish or Portuguese ancestry they consider you Hispanic. History Spanish