i believe there were more boys then girls because boys more intelegent then girls so the boys would go to school and the girls would stay home and cleaning and stuff
2 boys for every 3 girls 8 boys / 2 boys = 4 times the original ratio 4 times original ratio x 3 girls = 12 girls
In Sparta ate age 7 boys and girls went to training, but then at age 15 girls married. In Athens ate age 7 only boys went to training which included education and girls stayed home.
The boys went to school while some girls was taught house keeping and to look after their family and majority of the other girls was home schooled
By their parents at home.
Boys worked in the fields or trades or shops with their fathers. Girls worked in the home and vegetable garden with their mother.
it is so simple boys to girls . who is the people to ask out , boys ask girls . girls do not ask boys.
Boys. Girls were home schooled.
Hi They want good girls because they are the perfect one's to take home to Mom! reverse the question why do us girls always want the bad boys?
It is for boys AND girls!!
Boys and Girls