She wants to date another guy. She wants a month to see if he likes her & whether she likes him. Be careful of her. She might come back to you but she might not. No one who is serious wants a break of more than a few days.
When she says it!
she does not like you any more
Just wait and see what happens.
Yes you should and ask her why she wants to break up.
break up with him and get a single man.
It means that she has no idea if she wants to be with you anymore. If you still want her as a girlfriend then you need to change your ways.
jib er off.
it means that u still are dating but she kinda wants a short break so dont worry about it
yes.but,he says he likes jaden smith's girlfriend Eliza Enid Garza.he seriously wants them to break up.he says she is s-e-x-y
no the worst aspect is to get a text from your girlfriend saying she wants to break up but then she says its for someone else
this means that she most likely wants to say it back but is afraid of the commitment...girls know how this goes...the girl says i love you, the boy says it back but then they break your girlfriend probably is aware of the possibilities that you two might break up, so she wont say it.
that the time is not right and she wants to wait.