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be tough. so she wont think you are a wuss.

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Q: Get a tough girl to like you?
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Will Justin Bieber like a girl who's sweet but tough when she needs to be?

yes he dates a girl he falls in love with

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It depends on the girl. Sometimes it makes the guy look tough and sometimes it makes him look sweet.

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oooo... tough luck dude. Maybe you should just move on or something

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Be manly act tough and respectable like a "young gentleman"

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CORRECTED: a tough chick; unhip girl; any girl (chicky) in a crowd. Can be used as 'sister'; not a family person, but like a friend who is a girl (ex: "You got it goin' on, sista!")

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How you make a girl tell you who they like is tough. A girly girl will tell her best friend if you beg her and beg her. Then a tomboy doesn't really have expressions. You would have to ask unushal questions un til she had to say who she likes

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It means that instead of choosing beauty, the girl chooses to be tough and strong like no other girl wants to be like so the boys say so.

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Just be yourself and dont try to act tough. I just act like myself and i have the perfect girlfriend, my friends try to act tough and they dont have girlfriends, see the connection?

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Depends on the girl... Some girls are tough and will hate it, Some girls are sweet and cute and will like it and will love you for it :)

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after five years of love this song's just not enough so I've decided i won't be denied and I'll sing it in the buff in the buff in the buff girl it ain't so tough in the buff in the buff girl it ain't so tough to do it in the buff when i sing this song it's just like makin' love and all I can think is I'm totally naked singin' in the buff in the buff in the buff girl it ain't so tough in the buff in the buff girl it ain't so tough to do it in the buff we just wanna get we just wanna be naked we don't wanna, no, we don't wanna wear clothes we just wanna get we just wanna be naked we don't wanna, no, we don't wanna wear clothes chorus x2 in the buff in the buff girl it ain't so tough in the buff in the buff girl it ain't so tough to do it in the buff

What do white girl look for guys?

If you mean "What do white girls look for in guys?"; well, it depends on the girl. Some girls like the tough type, others the sensitive type, and I myself like the nice, funny type.

What was it like with out mobile phones?

Tough very Tough