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answer is : how others react to their changing moods

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Trinity Smith

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How others react to their changing moods.

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Q: Erin and her friends tend to be moody. Sometimes they are very nice to people and at other times they want to be left alone. Which aspect of this situation would interest symbolic interactionists appl?
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What are symbolic interactionists?

Symbolic interactionists are sociologists who study how individuals create and interpret symbols to establish meaning in social interactions. They analyze the ways in which people construct their sense of self and identity through communication, gestures, and interactions with others in society. By focusing on the subjective experiences of individuals, symbolic interactionists seek to understand how these interactions shape social relationships and the larger social structure.

What are symbolic interactionists looking for when they view modern society?

why the personal relationships of people change

What do symbolic interactionists say about today's education?

(Apex Learning) Education helps people learn to communicate with others.

Sociologists who analyze how social life depends on the ways that people define themselves and others are most likely?

to be studying symbolic interactionism. This theoretical perspective focuses on how individuals create and interpret symbols to communicate and make sense of their social worlds. It emphasizes the importance of symbols, meanings, and interactions in shaping individual identities and social relationships.

What do symbolic interactionists believe?

Symbolic interactionists believe that individuals construct meaning through their interactions with others, relying on symbols and language to communicate. They emphasize the importance of social interactions in shaping people's identities, beliefs, and behaviors. Symbolic interactionists also argue that society is created and maintained through everyday interactions and shared meanings.

Which concept is stressed by smybolic interactionists?

Symbolic interactionists stress the importance of symbols and their meanings in shaping individual behavior and social interactions. They focus on how people construct their social reality through these symbols, such as language, gestures, and values, and how these interactions influence our perceptions and actions.

How do functionalists conflict and symbolic interactionist perspective on social inequality compare?

Functionalists view social inequality as necessary to maintain social order and promote meritocracy, while symbolic interactionists see inequality as socially constructed and perpetuated through interactions and meanings attached to different social positions. Functionalists focus on the contributions of inequality to social stability, while symbolic interactionists emphasize the impact of inequality on individual perceptions and interactions.

Which concept is stressed by symbolic interactionists?

the world is full of meaning

Why do all Asian movies have a cross appearing?

I don't think they all do. In the ones that do, it is probably a symbolic gesture by the filmmaker. Sometimes crosses are symbolic of good, sometimes of evil, and sometimes just of religion.

Why do all Asian movies have a christian cross appearing?

I don't think they all do. In the ones that do, it is probably a symbolic gesture by the filmmaker. Sometimes crosses are symbolic of good, sometimes of evil, and sometimes just of religion.

Which sociological approach would most likely view old age as a master status that has consequences for how the elderly are treated in the US?

The symbolic interactionist approach would most likely view old age as a master status that affects how the elderly are treated in the US. Symbolic interactionists focus on understanding how individuals create and negotiate meaning through social interactions, and they would emphasize how age influences the perception and treatment of individuals in society.

How do symbolic interactionists believe that the social value of the elderly in America changed when the economy shifted from being based on agriculture to industry?

Symbolic interactionists believe that the shift from agriculture to industry led to a decrease in the social value of the elderly in America. In agricultural societies, the elderly were respected for their wisdom and experience, while in industrial societies, their skills and knowledge became less valuable as society placed greater emphasis on productivity and efficiency. This shift resulted in older individuals being seen as less economically productive and therefore less valued in industrialized societies.