Become friends with her.Only up to 2/3 weeks
Start flirting with her
ask her for her number
talk to her more often, text her don't call
don't ignore her or ask her for things she dosent agree with
hang out with her more and get to know her
if it goes well and give her alot of attention too
tips:before u even meet her stare at her but not i a creepy way and if she smiles back wink at her that's how my boyfriend got me
Getting the girl you like can be hard. It may depend on the type of relationship the two of you have. Here are some tips to getting the girl you like.
These are just some tips, I may have left out some important ones but I hope you've learned from the tips I wrote down.
By kissing another girl.
Sorry, not possible. There isn't even a hard way to do this.
There is no easy way. You have to build relationships, not find them. Relationships are built on trust, love, friendship, romance etc.... You actually have to get out there and look for people.
Its easy all you have to is join the club StyleForYou.
with a nice car. especially if it has a vagina magnet.
It's only easy of she has already decided to sleep with you or if she is a prostitute so you all you need is paying her.
AN easy way
Unfortunately there is no easy way to tell a girl you love her and i would know. But the best way is not to tell her but to let her figure it out by your actions and how you treat her. THen if she asks you tell her the truth
By being a gentlemen! be...KindGentleSmartFunnySweetSensetiveCreativeFun to be with in generalHelpful
Diet and exercise. In other words, no.
yes but they also like stupid girls because they are easy (but not in a love way)
There is no easy way. Every girl's body is different - you have to let nature take its course. Enjoy your childhood while you still have it!