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Become friends with her.Only up to 2/3 weeks


Start flirting with her


ask her for her number


talk to her more often, text her don't call


don't ignore her or ask her for things she dosent agree with


hang out with her more and get to know her


if it goes well and give her alot of attention too


tips:before u even meet her stare at her but not i a creepy way and if she smiles back wink at her that's how my boyfriend got me

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13y ago
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1y ago
Ok tha
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14y ago

there is pretty much no "easy" way to get a girl. If your not willing to work for her affection, you have no chance. Plus relationships take a lot of work, and if your not even going to try that hard just trying to get her to go on a date, shes probably not going to want a relationship with you.

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8y ago

Getting the girl you like can be hard. It may depend on the type of relationship the two of you have. Here are some tips to getting the girl you like.

  • Start off by having a close relationship with her. You need to start somewhere, and the best place to start is by having a close, happy and well-maintained relationship with the girl you like. Friend,Close Friend , Best Friend or whatever it is, try your best to be comfortable with her and have her be comfortable with you as well. You need to start off here so you get a bigger chance of getting her.
  • Start from yourself. Find your happiness and be happy, be the best that you can be and give her a reason to like you. Make sure you always have room for improvement and room for learning. Never stop improving yourself and never stop learning. Learn from your experience and learn from other. One of your main priorities here is not just to get the girl you like, but also improve yourself and become better.
  • Show her what she means to you. Care for her, protect her, guide her and help her. Be there for her, both good times and bad times, and comfort her when she needs it. Be a good listener to her and keep her happy. Talk to her often to make sure shes okay (but try not to annoy her) and try your best to maintain the relationship you have. Just do anything and everything to keep her and her happiness intact.
  • Actions speak louder than words. Start moving, start acting and give your best. Show her you really love her. Effort is the key, to whatever it is your doing just give it your best. Never settle for mediocrity. Surprise her, Again, Make her happy and do everything you can for her.
  • Patience, You never know when and what's coming. Never give up until you can, but learn when to stop. Don't hurt yourself too much just for someone. You never know what the end result may be and you do't know when its coming. So just keep trying and trying.

These are just some tips, I may have left out some important ones but I hope you've learned from the tips I wrote down.

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15y ago

Find something you have common and don't be shy.

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