Do you ask this question a lot? I do about my best friend but they answer is THEY DO!
Facetime or text them
me Zeraiah oladunjoye
Lisa Bird
because your my friend and you enjoyed hanging out with him
Miss Pross in A Tale of Two Cities can be best described as a no-nonsense governess and friend.
I'm is mm eye bustf rend! That's the best i could come up with, that's a hard one! I miss my best friend!
If your former friend is mean to you and told your former best friend, who needs her around, then no, that friend doesn't miss you. That friend clearly is mean and doesn't want to be friends anymore.
yes he miss proof he eminem best friend why will you ask something like that
to the daugher of his best friend, miss alien
Ummm.....What? Excuse me im a girl? What is worng with my best friend is a guy, do you have a problem with that?
That means he is totally into may be he loves you or your his best friend ....what ever the option is never miss him. Either as a friend or as a lover :) have a great life ahead.