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People often say things in the heat of the moment, you should not listen to people when they have had adrink or take thigs to heart, ask them when tey are sober if what they said has hurt you.

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16y ago
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15y ago

Alcohol causes people to become less inhibited in terms of expressing their emotions and revealing their feelings. Whether they become more deceiving or not may or may not relate to the act of drinking. Since they become less inhbitied then they are much less likely to hide true feelings. Usually the truth comes out when your drunk because your not really "there" and unaware of a lot of things. This depends on different people though.

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13y ago

yes it does come out with only certain people depands on who you are i know i do all the time when i drink that's y i don't drink anymore

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Q: Does the truth really come out in people when they are drunk?
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yes ghosts come in people because i saw with my own eyes

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