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My guess would be that he used to like you but maybe now hes not having the same feelings about you so instead of continuing to be nice he is being mean to get rid of you faster so you get the idea.

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Q: Does the guy like you if he use to be nice to you but now mean?
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I means that he's not a nice guy and clearly doesn't care about your feelings , or the feelings of his girlfriend

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Why? Being the nice guy always helps, I know it doesn't help right now, but in the future, it will help you accomplish goals and get you the things you like.

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If you like a guy and he doesn't like you back move on you can find somebody better then him Trust me when you find that special person the boy you use to like might go back you and ask you out say:You to late so bye Mr.Like now after I'm taken Say it staright up like that if your nice say it nice if your mean curse him out after you say what i said ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Good Luck!=)

If a boy was nice to you now mean and when you look at him he looks to the floor does he like you?


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It might mean that he is a little interested in you but he currently has his mind fixed on someone else and he wants to see if he can get her but if he cant then your his backup plan so this obviously isnt a nice guy so I wouldnt sujest liking or going out with him he seems like a jerk.

If a boy says your nice what does he really think?

ok it depends sometimes guys want to be friends with you or they like you. once a guy said i was nice too but later on i found out he just wanted to be friends. My friend once a guy told her she was nice and now she ended up dating the guy. But try to get to know the guy better try to be friends with him

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Sounds like the guys you hang with aren't appreciative of you at all. They aren't worth it. You'll find a guy sometime that will love and respect you for you. For now, don't waste time with losers. Get involved in programs, volunteer, hang out with friends who appreciates you.

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He is a louse, now kick him to the curb and find yourself a really nice boyfriend, there are plenty of great guys out there.!!

What does it mean when you used to text a guy a lot but now the guy doesn't answer your texts messages any more?

That means he dors not like you

How long should you know a guy before dating?

really it does not matter but it will be nice if u could just get to now if he is nice what type of guy is he and then u can goe on a date

This boy was nice to you and now mean he is never mean to anyone eles but just you and you dont know if he likes you or not?

He does because Whenever someones mean they like you

Is Tulisa's man a thug?

No,he's a nice guy but they're not together now