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It depends but mostly you bet yeah. Those married men who fall in love with their mistress are easily missed by their married man. Maybe at first you thought it's all about sex, but its not. Married man can easily become addicted towards their mistress because of their emotional connection. The other woman is new, not like his wife, maybe a bit younger than his wife who can easily seduce him every time their together.

Your husband might act that he stop thinking about his ex mistress, but don't let him fool you. He wouldn't last 5 years with her if he can easily erase her off his mind.

A bit similar happened to me from my husband, when they met on a dating site, supposed to be christian people he become addicted to her, for straight 2 months. He can't sleep at night without talking to her on the phone while she's at work. My husband can't start his day without calling her first thing in the morning and sometimes she was driving when they call each others. I know that he got addicted to her because I have one of his email to his friend telling him that his mistress is nice and kind, and he admit that for 2 months his focus was only her. I also have in my hands the statement of his cell phone and it backed up my story of all the call, time, dates that they do together and mostly it was him who called a lot more.

When I discovered his love affair, even I can sense his feelings, he admitted to me that he doesn't have no problem or even missing talking to her since he stop, which I know it was a lie.

The man that I married will never express his feelings to me, but for him to make amends to me and my children I know he blocked his mind and his heart for thinking or even missing her. Even though that he explained to me that his not, those 2 months, 24/7 of calling until early morning was the leverage I have, and this was without him spending nights with her.

Yes, only if he still has feelings for her.

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It depends on his situation and what kind of relationship he had with the other woman. If your husband was close and becomes emotionally attach to her, then he will have some issue of forgetting her. And if his relationship with her was this deep, you can be sure that he already fell in love with her. As I said it depend.

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