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Nope they LOVE outgoing girls but are usually to shy to even approach them. Hun by easy you mean loose? No most shy guys like respectable girls not hoochie mamas. If you want to fish for a shy guy you bait him in and go for the kill. Make sure you make the first move because with shy guys thy never do make a move. Hope I helped. -- Auntie D

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Q: Does shy guys go for easy girls?
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Do shy guys ask out shy girls?

it depend sometime they so shy they wont even up to the girl and talk to her if you want you can go and talk to him

Do shy guys like shy girls?

yes some girls like shy guys but sometimes you have to come out of ur shell so the girl can find out wat kind of guy you are Kind, sensitive guys can be attractive to girls, but you can't be a push over. Girls go for jerks because they are confident and know what they want.

Why are guys shy?

Answer Unfortunately, not only guys are shy, girls too, although they are better at hiding it than the guys. It's a period of our lives that we go through and some people outgrow it and others never do.

Why do girls always want guys to go talk to them and they dont go walk up and talk to guys?

Most girls are to shy they don't want to talk to a guy and him be dating and make a fool of themselves.

What kind of guys do shy girls like?

what kind of boys does a shy girl want?Shy girls like sweet caring guys but guys who also are outgoing that way they make the 1st moves so the girl doesn't have to until she really feals comfterble around him then she makes her other wise they like them caring and not shy. Well there are tons of answers. Coming from my opinion girls don't usually go for a specific type of guy. But in most cases girls like guys who are willing to communicate. Shy girls tend to like guys who are the usual sweet and caring. When the girl is artsy she tends to like shy artsy guys too. But not all the time. It really varies. Coming from me, Im on the shyer side and I usually like the guys that talk to me and seem happy. Girls don't really like sad guys. Unless this girl is trying to solve this guys life and see why he's sad. Shy girls in most cases want you to make the first move. After that she may even have an outgoing side to her. Shy girls want to feel comfortable around you.

What girls find attractive in guys?

Well I find the "comedy dude" attractive the most. Some like "bad boys", "shy guys", "sporty guys", "romantic guys", "talented guys", "lazy guys", "smart guys", "sensitive guys", there is just a lot that girls like. So they like their personality. They like looks, style, and lots of things.

Do guys go for easy girls over the girls they really like becuase they are afraid of getting hurt?

That's all up to the guy.

When do shy boys become more outgoing?

they become more outgoing when they just decide to go for it. just ask her out. girls like guys with balls.

Do girls like boys that are shy?

yes! i personaly think that girls like me like guys that are shy! but try to man up and go talk to her! if shdosen't like you then thats ok but im shure she won't make fun of u! so good luck!

Am shy but you want to go out with a boy what should you do to be less shy?

A lot of guys like it when girls are a bit shy but nothing is going to happen if you never talk to him. Find ways to casually start a normal conversation with him. for example if you are in any classes with him ask him a question (even if you already know the answer). Or you can compliment him on something he is wearing (guys love that)

What is guys favorite thing in a girl?

For each boy, it's different. Shy boys tend to go more on smartness and eyes. Normal go with anything you guys have in common the most. Players will probably like the girl's body (its true! I once dated one). Most of the time, it depends on the guy. Add more answers to this please! It depends on the guy and on the relationship he has with the girl. Boy/Girl. husband/wife, father/daughter. brother/sister, co worker etc, Every guy is different, shy boys go for the smart ,quiet girls. Normal guys go for the girls personality and face structures . Players only go for the girls body and sometimes even , on the girls attitude and personality . depening on how easy the girl is. - " be a queen and u'll attract a king, be a hoe and we'll see how far you go

How do you ask a hot girl walking on the beach that you dont know if she wants to go for a jetskii ride with you i go ride jetskiis near the beach and ther is always hot girls ther how do i ask them?

Be like ayeee cutie u wanna go jetskii wit me (:? dont b shy . girls Hate wen guys r shy.