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If you mean like you as a student, he probably does but he may not if you are the sort of person who doesn't do their hw and talks back

If you mean 'like' like you then u gotta be more specific. Trust me when i say he probably doesn't and sees you as generally nicer than others but if it's really obvious he likes then just avoid him, even if you like him.

If you want him to like you as a student

Do well in class

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Q: Does my teacher likes me
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The verb in that sentence is "likes." It is the action word that shows what the teacher enjoys doing.

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What do you do if a teacher likes you?

Well... if a teacher likes you: You Like Him Back: Act nice, but not too nice...(It might get to Level 2) You Don't Like Him Back: Tell someone if he touches you unaproprietly. Talk to an adult

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The teacher likes to play guitar If you need any more translations, you should go to

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All teachers (except for the ones who are lactoseintolerant)

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one: he likes you, two: he likes the teacher, three: he is weird and wants attention, four: he is trying to start a conversation with someone, five: he likes someone behind you

What do you buy for a girl you like for Christmas?

Find out what she likes and base your decision on that. You can try asking her, and also asking her friends or a teacher or parent what she likes.