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plain and simply yes.

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Q: Does it mean a boy likes you when he teases you in a nice way but doesn't try to hurt you and flirts with you a lot?
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If your ex wants you to forget about him then he doesnt really care that much, But Maybe he's hurt, maybe he still likes you but doesn't want you or him to hurt anymore.

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Feel Flattered that he still likes you after you kinda hurt his heart a little. That is a sign that no one can get in his way of having you.

What does it mean if your ex boyfriend is calling you again but calls you his friend but flirts with you when you hang out with him?

Feel Flattered that he still likes you after you kinda hurt his heart a little. That is a sign that no one can get in his way of having you.

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he's either shy to say he does or he doesnt like u but he doesnt wanna hurt ur feelings

A boy on my bus teases me and I dont know if he likes me or if he hates me he's done it for years and ive recently got a text from a friend saying he likes me does he?

My guess is yeah. Some guys just don't know how to handle themselves when they like a girl, especially when they're inexperienced. A guy who teases you often has worries of his own, such as if you notice him or not. He may do it just to get your attention. Next time he teases, look for signs that he's not sincere in what he says: do his comments actually hurt you? or do you think they're mostly aimed to annoy you? If the answer is annoy, then chances are pretty good that he's crushing.

What should I do if this guy really likes my friend but he texts me all the time and flirts with me i like him but i don't want to hurt my friend?

This is hard but tell him what you feel .only friendship could help you in both parts of the sitch. i have to say just that and hope he doesnt take it the wrong way. You have to end it with him. Your friend willl be better off with you, not without you . soory but that the best advice for now.

How do you know if a boy really likes you even if he says he doesnt?

You don't. It would be better to believe him. It may hurt a little but you will soon get over it.

Want if he doesn't want anyone to know he likes you?

either he is just saying he likes you because he doesnt want to hurt your feelings. or he isn't sure if he likes you enough yet to go out with you. or even his friends might know yall have something going on and they don't like you so he doesnt want people to know yet because he doesnt want to get made funn of by his friends.

Why does your ex break up with you then tells you he still loves you?

There must be something going on that he doesnt want to tell you about or he doesnt want you to get hurt. He's maily telling you that he still likes you but he need time to settle with what is going on.

How does turtwig evolve?

put him in first then switch him out so he doesnt get hurt put him in first then switch him out so he doesnt get hurt put him in first then switch him out so he doesnt get hurt

What does it mean when you tell a girl i love you and she responds thank you?

I think it means she likes you, but doesnt want to answer back just yet. It could mean that, or it could mean that she doesnt like you, but doesnt want to hurt your feelings by saying "I dont have the same feelings for you." Hope this helps.

When a girl admits to a shy guy that she likes him and he kind of acts like he likes her back why doesnt he just say he likes her or not?

hes shy he has trouble opening up give it some time Guys are just scared of getting hurt like girls. and if he is shy... he is scared. find out if she likes you and then if she does ask her out