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Dating isn't going to have any effects. And why would what your cousin is doing have any affect on you? It is more coincidence than anything else.

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Q: Does it make you inbred if you are dating a girl and your cousin is dating her cousin?
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You can date anyone you like, even your sibling, and it would not be illegal. However, if "dating" is a code word for "having sex with" - it depends on your individual state. In many states, it is not illegal, but in others it may be. You had better research your state's laws to make sure.

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try to impress her. get to know her (as friends) bring up the subject of dating and if she is interested ask her out (make it simple like the movies) my cousin who is fourteen had sex with her boyfriend.......that was her first dont go that far wit to have sex when your 16.

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well if your dating think of her when your talking to her (its worked with me) We're not dating, she knows how I feel about her though

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i wouldn't that's offencive to the girl you are dating