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If he's asking what you want from him, then girli.. you need to 'RETHINK'

do you really feel like he likes you if he's asking such as absurd question!

I feel, if i like someone and if i feel the same from his side then we might talk with only 'eyes'....need not to ask what you want when u stare at me!!

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Q: Does he like me if he says what do you want from me when i stare at him?
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It means he likes you.

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be brave, smile! :) if you dont want him to know you like him, just dont tell anyone you do . and if you do want him to know, give him a good stare and a big smile!!!!

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You can just ask him what he want to say and if you dont like him you can say to not to stare at you

Can that mean a guy want to talk to you and get to know you if he stares at you?

Yes if us guys stare at a girl it means we like them.

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yes She would know if you stare then look away. You could tell her how you feel or you might not want to depending on the situation. She knows. You could probaly hold less than 5 secs approx with out being a stare. If you have constant stares or chekc her out then you look like a perv.

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Because he doesn't want to be too obviousor he doesn't trust the person asking the question, give it time and if he likes you enough he will ask you out

Will the guy you like think you don't like him if your friend tells him you like him but you don't act like you do like you don't laugh at his jokes or talk to him but only stare?

He will first tell you what your friend told him , and wait to see what your response says.

You are too shy this guy and you stare at each other?

if you stare at himhell think you like him!!

How do you tell if you like a girl?

If you want to be with her a lot, if you find youself thinking about her. If you notice small changes or stare at her. Generally, you feel attracted.

What do women think of when a man is described as handsome?

they want to learn more about them stare at them or firt with them or check them out or think about them or find out if they like them ect.