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of course it exists

Happiness is a state of mind and therefore it depends upon your concept of pleasure. Happiness has more in common with contentment than with ecstasy. Happiness is normally considered as a state of peace or bliss. One person could find happiness within a particular set of circumstances while another person would find unhappiness with the same.

The basic cause of human suffering or disappointment stems from a quality humans possess, called emotions. Human suffering unhappiness comes about from desire, greed and lust.

A person, who cannot find contentment, cannot find peace. A person, who cannot find peace, cannot find fulfillment or happiness. Prosperity, Power and Popularity are not the solutions to human suffering or unhappiness, because you may have them all and still feel incomplete. There are many prosperous, powerful and popular individuals who need mind altering drugs and other freaky activities to keep them excited.

The source of all human emotion is the same the difference is only in the choices that people make.

Your ability to recognize happiness is dependant on your value system. Your particular set of morals/values, are those that you inherited from genetic sources and those that you learnt from the environment within which you were raise. The meaning of happiness for you depends on your belief systems.

In order to find something, you must know exactly what it is that you are looking for. You must know how and where to search for it then you have to know how to recognize it when you find it.

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