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i personaly don't complain about my school uniform. i think a school uniform is a great ay to represent your school and to show how much pride you have wearing it and this shows how much you are willing to set a good example for your school.

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Q: Does children complain about their school uniforms?
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ancient Mesopotamian children did not have school uniforms they actually had not yet invented uniforms in that time

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I assume you mean school uniforms, well if found that teachers complain a lot if your not wearing the uniform properly

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In the 1920s, it was not common for children in the United States to wear uniforms to school. School uniforms did not become widespread in American schools until later in the 20th century.

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How can school uniforms benefit academically?

people say that uniforms will improve the academic achievement in school but children will get distracted by trying to make the uniforms look better

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What countries do school children wear uniforms?

Ireland and the UK.

Should children be allowed to wear uniforms to school?

There are arguments for and against children wearing uniforms to school. Some people believe that uniforms promote equality and foster a sense of community within the school. However, others argue that uniforms restrict individuality and self-expression. Ultimately, whether children should wear uniforms to school is a decision that may depend on the specific values and goals of the school community.

What countries do children were school uniform in?

Some countries where children wear school uniforms include Japan, South Korea, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Uniforms are often seen as a way to promote equality and discipline among students.

Why does children don't want to wear school uniforms?

Children may not want to wear school uniforms because they prefer expressing their individuality through clothing choices. Uniforms can also be seen as restrictive or uncomfortable. Some children may also feel that uniforms do not reflect their personal style or make them stand out.