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No. Narcissists usually run away from an ex, they consider themselves too high and mighty to stalk anyone. They are more likely to act like you never existed at all. A borderline, on the other hand, is likely to stalk an ex. I guess they are each terrible in their own way. It is almost worse for your existence and entire relationship to be denied than to be stalked. At least the stalker acknowledges having strong feelings toward you.

Yes they are likely to completely ignore you as if you never existed. They might stalk you if you are a borderline or a sociopath but otherwise they will feel too ashamed to ever face their victims.

Yes, they run alright! My ex N was having a an affair for 4 years of our 8 yr relationship and there were others before her in patches that i'd communicated with. He decided to treat me so diabolically enough that I would have to leave him, this gave him what he wanted which was to be with her. As like most partners/victims of a narcissist I tried to patch things up, see if there was any hope 3 months later. He combined a cold stream of No No's with a drizzle or 2 of hope...and hey guess what he maintained he still 'loved me' but it 'was'nt enough' he loved me chasing him so he could be ruthless about it and hurt me terribly with lies and twisted events. Only person getting off on this was him. I took his mask off, I knew what he was, how he operated, how he deceived and once you are no longer any use they get rid for good, he was now happy operating towards me with the mask off because it just did'nt matter anymore to him that i knew what a narcissistic monster he is. No they do'nt stalk once its over, although mine did a few times in the first 2 years when we had fallen out and it was in the Over-valuation stage (idealisation) because he was afraid to lose me then. but if the mask is slipping or when he knows the mask is off yes he runs and does not look back, even now a year since we parted its hard to know and acknowledge he has simply forgotten all about me like i never existed and after all I went through.

Yes they run away as far as they can once their mask has slipped off. I agree with the above post. They just love it when you are chasing you and then when they dissappear they are gone for good. I think its the masochistic part of them that likes to be hated and never let you really forgive them for anything. Pretty sick really.

It really depends on who initiated the break up. If it was his/her idea they aren't likely to stalk. On the other hand if they were dumped, they may need to show you what a mistake you are making, because as they will tell you, you will not find anyone as wonderful as them self.

If you aren't convinced to take them back stalking, threats and other illegal behavior may follow. If you try to turn them over to law enforcement be very careful and have witnesses lined up ready to support your claim. They are very convincing and will most likely file a counter claim against you and they will be prepared.

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