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Yes because he needs to make a start . though they r not interested for now but maybe later they catch on some similar feelings .

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Q: Does a shy guy waste time text messaging a girl for hours If they are not interested?
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You don't. If you told her how you feel and it's been a year, you really need to move along. If she were even remotely interested, she would not have waited a year to tell you. Really, find someone else to be interested in. This girl is a waste of your time.

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It is a lot easier if she is already interested. Don't waste your time and effort on somebody who doesn't care.

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If a girl is not interested then she is not interested, don't try to persuade her or pressure her to it. find someone else who is interested.

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Interested , but maybe shy or unsure.

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well gash means girl so i guess a girl that is a waste of time

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you could talk to her about something that she is interested in or You find one who is.

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There's something about it that they are both enjoying.

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When a girl gives you their number but she doesn't text you means that she is not interested with you not true it means she s interested but wants to see if your interested

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No. Of course not. Not even.

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it is a very hard question, how do you get a girl interested in you. there is no real answer because no girl is the same as another and not every girl is into the same thing as another, or feel the same way another would. it really depends on what you think she is interested in, get to know her and see what she is really about, have confidence