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YES, Especially if he just got out of prison =)

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Q: Does a man who has not been sexually active for a little while get easily aroused by hugs or small affections by someone he is in love with?
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What type of food can make you sexually active?

There are no foods that can make someone sexually active.

How can you tell if someone is not sexually active?

You generally can't. There aren't any visible signs of being sexually active or not being sexually active, unless you see them in the act.

When someone wasn't sexually active and became when he married you after 4 years does he loose that and become less sexually active?

It happens.

Can you tell if someone is sexually active from a blood test?

It is possible to tell if someone is sexually active from a blood test. This will be done in addition to other clinical tests so as to be certain.

Are Turkish men sexually active?

The population of Turkey continues to increase. From that, we can at least infer that someone is.

How do you spell vergin?

The likely word is virgin (unspoiled, untouched, or someone not yet sexually active).

Why do you need to pee when turned on?

This is because the same group of muscles (pelvic muscles) that control urination are also active when sexually aroused. This is why some women pee or feel like doing so when they have an orgasm.

Was Albert Einstein sexually active?

Yes. In fact he was extremely active. He was by far the most sexually active scientist of his time.

How many teens are sexually active.?

Nearly 3 of every 10 Teenagers are sexually active according to MSNBC

Is it a must for one to be sexually active?

It is not essential to be sexually active. Many people have remained celibate throughout their life.

Can a cervical cancer screening see if your a virgin?

No. But since cervical cancer is caused by a sexually transmitted virus, cervical screening is usually only recommended for someone who has been sexually active.

What is the opposite of officially?

Sexually active.