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If she asks you to walk her to her locker, she may like you or be interested in you. Just be yourself. Offer to carry her stuff and be kind, funny and polite. If you want to be with this girl, often to do more things for her like walking her home. If you don't want to know her, don't say "No, I don't want to carry your stuff", to the 'not too brave thing' and hide or make up an excuse like you have to go to athletics training.

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Q: Does a girl like you if she wants you to walk her to her locker?
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Does a guy like a girl when he wants to walk her to her car?

Yes. The guy is showing interest in the girl by giving her a proper goodbye.

Do a boy like you if he wanted to walk with you by yourself?

It depends on what he wants to do on the walk and what he wants to talk about.

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Usually when a guy wants the girl to walk with him, it sometimes comes off as to show off the girl to his friends who may be around to watch you and that boy walk by. Usually when a guy wants the girl to walk with him, it sometimes comes off as to show off the girl to his friends who may be around to watch you and that boy walk by.

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Just walk up to her and say hi, she probably wants you to.

What does it mean when a gye wants to take a walk with a girl?

actually a have been asked by a gye to take a walk with him... and i realised that he asked me only because he had nothing to do.. he was bored.. that's why...!! but sometimes it means he wants to spend his time with u cause he might like your company... or cause he wants to express his feelings...! it depends on the gye... :P

How can you ask a girl for a walk?

Would you like to take a walk with me?

What does it mean when a boy asks a girl if she wants to walk with him?

It likely means that the boy enjoys the girl's company and wants to spend time with her. It could be a way for him to get to know her better and create a more intimate or casual setting for conversation.

How do you ask a hot girl out that is 14?

Do what some people do. Shove a note in her locker and write your locker number on it so she can put it back in your locker when she replies to it. Or you can do what everyone else does. Walk up to her like you are all about it and just say you me tomorrow night don't be late

How should a girl become friends with a guy if she have any classes with?

If you kinda know him go up to his locker and talk to him or walk to his class with him and ask for his # if he ever needs help with HW.

How do you know if girl wants to dance with you not slow dance just like regular dance?

Just say hey like this song? and if she says yes then day want to dance? choose a fun upbeat songI never ask a girl whether she wants to dance. I just walk up to her with my ready-made smile, tap her on the shoulder twice to get her attention, and give her my hand. If music is playing and she wants to dance with me, she'll take my hand; if she doesn't want to, she'll say no and I walk up to the next girl. I never use any words...Just a smile, and my open palm for her to take. ;)

How do you walk like a girl?

Just be yoursself.... ownage

Should girl tell boy who she has a crush on and who has a locker right above hers that she likes him?

yes because you never know what that person might say the person may like you too think about it say what you have 2 say then walk away be friendly and smile