What does it mean when a girl likes giving you erections?
It means the girl likes getting you horney.. she thinks its
Does a girl likes you if she says she miss you?
Only if she mumbles it while giving you a BJ.
Do all girls like when you complement them?
it is giving them attention .and every girl likes attention
What do you do if you think a girl likes you but isn't giving anything away?
Try "BRIGHT SMILE" it worked for me.
Does nick Jonas like girls that don't wear girl clothes?
Well he actually likes girls that wear girl clothes like a girl
wearing a dress he really likes that but not all the time. He also
likes girls that dress nice not showing their goods if you know
what i mean he likes girls that are confident in themselves and
don't need to show anything.
What kind of character can you determine from a girl can who likes soft toys and pets?
That she is likely sensitive, sweet, loving, gentle and
What does it mean when girl doesnt respond to you when us speak to her for a couple of times but then start giving your signs?
maybe she likes you that she only wants you to ask her out then
she'll talk to you again
mabye the girl is beginning to get shy around you because she
likes you
What do guys want a girl to do after the girl tells the guy that she likes him back?
lean in and make the first move by giving a gentle kiss :)
that's what i would want x
If a boy is giving another girl a piggyback ride and he stares into your eyes and just stands there what does that mean?
it means they are really good friends or the guy likes her. i
would say that the guy likes her.
Will a guy think about the girl who likes him?
If he likes the girl who likes him, then yeah.
How can a 13 year old girl earn some money?
Babysitting, that is the biggest one
walking dogs
selling baked goods
selling snacks at sport games
and a yard sale