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Considering most blonds aren't really natural blonds, the chemicals that they use to bleach their hair soaks down into their brain, therefore killing brain cells. So yes, Brunettes have more brain cells than blonds. Also blonds in movies are dumb. And love doing IT!!

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Q: Does a brunette have more brain cells than a blond?
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Is Britney Spears a brunette?

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What is the difference between a blond and a brunette?

It is the amount of the eumelanin in the hair. Eumelanin is black pigment. Blond hair has very little eumelanin, and brunettes have more eumelanin.

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He could leave the blond for the brunette because he feels she has more knowledge and will take care of him. Who knows? Ask the guy!

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Brain cells

Is lady gaga a natural blond?

No, Lady Gaga's natural hair color is brunette. She only dyed her hair blonde because people kept mistaking her for Amy Winehouse. Also Lady Gaga was a brunette but she dyed her hair blond so that her wig's in somevideos would look more natural.

How many brain cells are in Matthew?

the brain consist of about 2 billion cells or more.

How many more brain cells do you get while reading a book?

you cant gain brain cells, just reading will use more than just sitting about

Why can't you find brain cells in your stomach and stomach cells in your brain?

Brain cells remain in the brain. They are the building blocks of the brain. If the brain cells were in the stomach, you'd have a brain in your stomach! Same goes for the stomach and all parts of the body. In my yoga class my instructor mentioned that there are more brain cells in the stomach than in the brain, I wanted to find out if it was true and I came across this article. So maybe you can have cells "in the wrong places"...... (look below under related links)

How many cells are in the brain?

There is about 160,000,000,000 cells in human brain. Half of the number are neurons, which are rensponsible for all the "thinking" functions. The other half are "glial cells", which help neurons with their activity.

How is a thought formed in the brain?

A thought is formed when two or more brain cells (Neurons) connect

What is smarter girls or boys?

girl's have more brain cells

How does a brain tumor effect people?

It can cause deaf and also brain cells can be disconected or not in the brain no more like how it used to