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In the episode "Serpent's Pass" Toph starts to drown then Sokka screams that he's comin' to get her. After he screams this, Suki jumps in the water to rescue Toph. Since Toph is blind she assumes it's Sokka who saved her and says, "Sokka, you're my hero", and kisses Suki. Also in the episode "Sokka's Master", Sokka feels left oout because he's not a bender and decides to train with a Swordsmaster. Everyone is bored without him, but when he comes back for a meteorite that he wants to make his sword out of, Katara and Aang ask him to say something funny and they tell him how much they missed him. Toph says that she didn't miss him at all, then turns away and blushes. So yes, Toph does have a crush on Sokka.

In Avatar: The Ultimate Pocket Guide, a blurb about Toph says "Secret thing about Toph: she has a huge crush on Sokka!"

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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It is strongly implied throughout the series that she has a crush on Sokka.
Throughout the series, Toph hints at the fact that she actually likes Sokka. For example in Season 2: Episode 12: The Serpent's Pass she is saved by Suki and mistakes her for Sokka and kisses her on the cheek.

However in Season 2: Episode 19: Sozin's Comet Part 1, yes, she does hint that she may like Zuko a little when she grabs hold of his arm and wishes to go with him when they pair up to look for Aang.

Unfortunately, we never find out who she really ends up liking in the end.

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