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As a true friend, it'd be best that you did. If you know for fact he is, and can back it up with some sort of proof then keeping it from her will only hurt her more in the end. She may feel betrayed by not only her husband but her friend as well.

You should go about it carefully, though. Don't just blatantly blurt it out, nor should you reveal it to her with others, including her husband, around. Start up by letting her know you have something important to tell her and tell her the degree of importance and that it's something that may change her life. Let her know how personal it is and how painful knowing this may be, but don't beat around the bush too much or she may think you're joking around with her.

Again, keeping it secret can be very harmful to her, in the end. If he isn't using protection while he has sexual relations with others, he runs the risk of giving her a disease and possibly one she can't ever cure. She has a right to know what he's doing so that she can make a choice for herself.

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Q: Do you tell your friend her husband is cheating on her with men?
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Not necessarily, he could be at a friend's home, however, if he did not phone you to tell you and lets you worry, kick him to the curb! ANSWER: Let me correct the question with the right answer. Now we can't really use the question if our husband stay out all night, is he cheating, remember we also have thousand of men's in the military. Men who are in the military that work inside the Carrier, do go out for weeks, months and sometimes a year. This men do sleep inside the ship so if our husband are in the military especially Navy men, there's no such thing as our husband are cheating because they didn't comes home at night. Did I make sense how to justify the question next time? If I offended you with my comment, accept my apology, but the man I married was in the Navy and his always gone in the ship that is why I need to verify the answer..

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find out who he kissed and if it gets to u kick him to the curb ANSWER: Yes it is. What you husband is doing, is cheating in the heart. Making out with this woman can justify as cheating. They haven't reach the second level of their relationship. Married men will always say they weren't having an affairs, because only kissing. Men thinks that having intercourse with the other woman is affair. My husband included. And the man I married is well educated, so for him to tell me that he wasn't cheating or having affair is lame. In short he is having an affair because he is kissing a woman who is not his wife..

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To tell you the truth, you can't. Unless you catch your women doing you wrong or if a friend sees it, you will not know if your woman is using you. Most women can go on forever cheating and using men without getting caught. With men women usually know because they slip up.

Is your husband a risk taker when it comes to cheating?

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