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Well from my experience. You'd love them enough,to let them go. You still would love them,but not the same way as you did before.

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Q: Do you love the person after they broke your heart?
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i think that it means that you truly love him, but you are mad that he broke your heart.

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You cant make the heart love or hate, that is something that is deep within ones heart and soul.

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you need to forget about him/her. i the person broke you heart, then they are no good for you. there are way more people in the world that you can fall in love with.

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tell girlfriend the truth

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Suck it up.

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she should never do that again

What if your in love with a boy and he's in live with you but he broke your heart for god?

He broke your heart for God? Did he become a priest? If so, we must respect his choice. We all enjoy freedom of religion.

Can a person live without a heart or Love?

A person can't live without a heart (the organ), but a person does not need empathy or love to live.

What do you do when someone broke your heart but i still love her?

depending on how they broke you heart, you either chase after them.... or you let them go. Truthfully, more often than not, the right thing to do in that situation is to let them go.