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you take them to school because if you said bring them to school it sounds as if you are going to school and you are taking the child with you

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Q: Do you bring children to school or take them to school?
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Why did roman children go to school?

Roman children went to school for the same reasons that modern children go to school-- to get educated and to get the rewards that an education can bring.

The law requires all children in belgium to attend school between the ages of?

Actually children don't have to go to school, they must get education between the age of 6 and 18. If parents decide to educate their children by themself or outside a school, gave to proof that the children get a good education. I think the children have to take examinations organised by the government. Usually parents bring their children to school from the age of 3.

What are school bags used for?

to take and bring the equipment you need to and from school.

Why do Public schools take Christ out of their school?

It is a very contradicting question. I think that such kind of subjects will bring only the benefit to our children however as a mother of a student I would like to mention that our children have too many subjects at school and their home tasks take so much time (to make study less stressful we use link below for written papers ) It is the first problem and the second is that in some classes there are children with different religious preferences and it is their right. To my mind if parents want their children know more about Jesus Christ they should bring them to a special Church school.

Is Holland park school a good school?

well there has been people that fight there and kind of that school isn't a good school for your children if you bring your children to this school you know this is a bad school :( and your children might die from these boys that come to this school. people that are bad and got kicked out of school: lomoretyn shellusayneo '''bally josaphyn''' '''katelyn'''

In what ways can parents help the school in improving education?

It is FUNDAMENTALLY a parents duty to bring up and educate THEIR children. Thus parents should support their children at school by taking an interest in what the school is teaching and seeing to it that their children complete their homework assignments and reporting to the school teacher any issues they are detecting (to help the teacher). The parents must ensure that their child is sent to school ON TIME, properly dressed and fed. Parents must engender a respect for the school and teachers in their children and take seriously any reports of misbehaviour.

What are some possible benifits that New England's emphasis on education might bring?

They may bring better education in the future. Because of the strict school policies and rules, people and students will start to take school a little more seriously. Teachers will create more elaborate lessons in history, math, science, and English. Schools will eventually progress in academics and children will be more educated and learn more than generations before them had learned.

Is it correct to say bring your lunch or take your lunch?

take your lunch to school becuz you are taking it today

What school subjects do Spanish children take?

Spanish and math

How long does it take the Gosselin children to get to school?

1 hour

How do German children travel to school?

German Children travel to school basically the same way we do. They walk, bike take the car but they also take the tram that no many people in the UK do. :)

Can children bring wate bottles to school from home if clearly labeled with their name?

Probably, but ask the teacher first!