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No. Southern states cannot refuse to recognize interracial marriage. It has been legal in all the United States since the 1967 Supreme Court decision that deemed anti-miscegenation laws unconstitutional. See related link.

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Q: Do southern laws still not recognize interracial marriage?
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That you are an inbred yokel who in this day in age of all time highs in interracial marriage and peaceful coexistence still believes in something as ludicrous as white power.

If a us citizen gets married in nigeria is it legal in the states?

If the marriage was conducted legally in the other country, the US will recognize the marriage is valid.

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Very few states still recognize common law marriage and the rights and requirements are different in each state. See related question link.

If a married same-sex couple moves to Texas would their marriage still be valid?

Your marriage would still be recognized by the federal government for tax purposes and social security, but the state of Texas, as of May 2014, does not recognize same-sex marriage. However, the law is changing quickly, and if you are reading this answer after 2014, the answer may be different.

If a same-sex married couple moves to a state where same-sex marriage is banned are they still married?

Firstly, they would still be considered married with respect to their originating state's laws. However, most states where gay marriage is banned also would not recognize the couple's marriage. This also means that the couple will not be able to get divorced in that state.

What are the benefits of interracial marriage?

besides racism and thoughts of a child that is of mixed descent not being "pure blood" not much...they say that most asian cultures don't like the idea of interracial relationships, this however is not true my mother is dominican and puerto rican while my father is pure japanese they love each other and have been together for many years so this whole topic just speaks insanity to me

Is it proven that interracial marriage benefits children?

There is no difference between interracial marriage and people from the same race getting married when it comes to how the kids feel or are benefited. Loving parents benefits children. What race they are is irrelevant. Children grow up to want to be like their parents and are proud of all their heritage, all races and culture. Culture is what affect them more then race and people of different race can still be from the same culture just like people from one race can be from different cultures. If they have parents from different cultures they are luckier then those who don't.

If you have converted to Catholicism will the church recognize your extant marriage to a non-Catholic?

If neither one of you were ever divorced, the Church will recognize the marriage. Even if one of you were divorced, an annulment can still be obtained. The Church generally recognizes marriages between non-Catholics as valid. The requirement to have a Catholic marriage only applies if at least one of the parties is Catholic at the time of marriage. The Catholic Church also teaches that non-Catholic marriages between non-Catholics cannot be dissolved except in extreme cases.

How many states ban interracial marriage?

Zero. Interracial marriage bans were officially struck down by the 1967 Supreme Court decision of Loving v. Virginia, although states still continued to have the laws on the books. In 2000, Alabama became the last state to repeal its interracial marriage ban.

If your still married to one man can you be common law with other man?

If you live in the US... No. First, most states no longer recognize common-law marriage, but even if you live in a state that does recognize it, you can only be married to one person at a time, so if you're still legally married to A, you can't also be common-law married to B.

Why hasn't the United States legalized same-sex marriage?

That's silly, there are many people who have liked gay marriage. Anyway the people who are against it are only against it for irrational reasons (like the "sanctity" of marriage, which is the same as the argument against interracial marriage), gay marriage could actually really benefit the community and individuals.