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Adoption WorriesYes, many do, but adoption is better than abortion. Isn't it better to be adopted by two parents who want a child than to be born to a young girl who will use public assistance for the rest of her life?

A girl who gives up her baby to a loving family cares more about the child than a girl who decides to keep the baby despite her inadequate experience and lack of support for the baby.

The child will grow up and wonder about their birth parents, but if they had a good life and their needs were met as they grew up, they should forgive the parent who gave them away. The child must know it was better to be given away, than kept by parents who could not take care of them. Of course a mother worries about how the child will feel about this when they grow up, but they have to do what is best for the child.

==Adoption worries=

Yes, that is natural. Adoption is a very hard decision, it is unselfish and time answers the questions you most likely have. I am adopted, and at 16 I chose adoption for my son because as above, isn't more loving to give the baby a life rather than a struggle with a mom who is so young. My son is 20 now, and through the grapevine I chose to place him, he found me. My son told me that he grew up with parents who explained to him how much I loved him for making the decision I had made. He also thanked me for makig the decision. I thanked my father when I found him to, even though I found his situation with having had the ability to raise me at the time, however without my Mom he made the choice to place me. I love him no matter what. I survived well. When I was growing up I felt special,I was told I was chosen. And I was. In all I feel it IS normal to worry about a lot of things when making the decision to place a child. You are on the right track. Go forward knowing it was the best thing you could do for your child.

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Q: Do parents who put their children up for adoption worry about how they will feel as they get older?
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