U Can Flirt x
89.693 %
Some men are just immature and others probably don't know how to flirt
because they like you
Yes, sometimes gay men flirt with women, most often to be funny.
men usually get mad if their wife or girlfriend flirted with another guy. some men like it when their wives or girlfriends flirt with girls.
Be friendly with him.
Every weekend she would go to the dance and flirt with the men that were there.
They flirt.
Biological imperitive to spread their genes.
Act like you like him Don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't make him flirt with you! Don't! Don't make him flirt with you!
Yes, they do. Why wouldn't they? They still need to attract someone to abuse, if that is their desire. Even if they have someone to abuse, they may still flirt. Have a care not to think that men who flirt are abusers. They may or may not be. As regards men who flirt, only one thing is sure: they flirt. Want to know more about them? That's one of the things that flirting is. It's a lure to bring in someone for closer (mutual) inspection....