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That's actually kind of a tough one. Sure, they may. But by chance the guy who knows of another guy that likes you doesn't tell you, he may like you as well and feels threatened. Or, maybe he doesn't feel the other guy is good enough for you. There are a multiple of answers for this question. But if he, personally, has no opinion on the matter, then he probably will tell you. If you're good enough of friends with him, that is.

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Q: Do guys tell you other guys like you when they like you?
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How can you tell if a guy has a feeling with you?

just ask him It depends on the kind of guy. some guys start pushing you around and harassing you. if this happens tell them to stop. Other guys, on the other hand, will flirt until they drop. If you like them back, then you should tell them. Other guys are shy and don't like to share their feelings. And that's fine. if that's the kind of guy that's troubling you, then you should tell them that you like them back, so they don't hide their feelings forever.

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when he starts to stray away, like scumbagging you for other gals, or guys. when you catch them in lies constantly.

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Do you want to have sex with him or just hang out with him? Guys like to be with other guys, not all of them want sex.

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I tell her the guys name and I say I like him

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You should prove to him that you don't flirt with other guys, like trying not to talk to other guys to much, and make him feel like he is the only one you notice for example talk to him more and flirt with him and try to tell jokes so you laugh with each other.

Do guys like it when you tell them that you like it when they hold you?

Yes we do.

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tell him

How do you tell a guy you kinda like them?

The best way is just to tell them. Or like ask him to guess who you like and if he guesses himself say yes! The worst thing he can say is i dont like you. There are other guys!

How do you tell your boyfriend you are talkin to another guy without it seaming like you like the other guy?

tell him u do NT like this guy like that. that u guys ar ejust friends and nothing else