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It could be either or both. It is better to be who you are then you will attract the right person and you won't have to be trying to be something you're not. i believe that a guy likes both but don't try too hard that you appear like a stalker. just be who you are and not someone else. also, guys would like to have a funny girl because most guys dont like relationships just because their not used to it yet. they also might want a cute girl because he would want to be proud... so either is grreat... but BE WHO YOU ARE!

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Q: Do guys prefer a funny girl or a cute girl?
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Of course! I think a lot of guys like a cute girl

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Yes there are cute boys that like dogs are funny and pays attention to me and has a lot of friends.

Do guys like funny girls?

Yes! I personally would prefer going out with someone who was funny than a girl who looked good but wasn't funny at all! But I guess that's just me, if your trying to be funny to the guy you like, make sure you are funny, and that the guy has a sense of humor

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Justin likes cute, funny, and sassy girls it says so on his blog. he also likes dating guys. hence his flamboyant homosexuality.

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Be funny all girls love funny guys.(FYI this was here before i edited it.) But that is sooooo true i love me a guy who is funny. I should know im a girl. Oh and if she has a boyfriend, don't even bother until they break up. just saying... Sometimes guys make it too obvious that they are trying to impress them. Unless you are very cute and lucky try not to be one of those "guys" because it is kinda lame if you see it from a girl's point of view... =D<thanks for asking!)

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funny story, I'm a pretty popular guy that's a senior and dated a 14 year old 4'11 girl and it didnt bother me. i thought she was cute

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girls like funny guys try that

Do guys like hot or cute girls better?

It depends on the person. Some like cute girl-next-door looks, while some others prefer a smoking body. However, the longer the relationship lasts, its your personality that determines if the guy likes you or not.