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11mo ago

It depends on the context and how it is said. Generally, no one likes being called a jerk because it is often seen as an insult. However, some people may not mind if it is said in a lighthearted or joking manner. Communication and mutual respect are crucial in understanding how people feel about being called certain names.

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Q: Do guys not like being called jerks?
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Insecurity and immaturity.

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It's called "sour grapes", and is practiced primarily by jerks. You have better things to do than worry about jerks.

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Sometimes but it has to do with their pride.

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as a girl, I think that's cute. I like shy guys than overly confident guys...these guys tend to be jerks.

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not all girls do they just act that way to seem cool.

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Than your either a lesbian or all the boys you know is jerks.

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Peoples perception of who a jerk is and isn't a jerk varies per person, therefore who one person think is a jerk may not be to the next, possibly because one takes offence easier than the other. Some girls, just like guys, like an Arrogant or cocky trait. Being confident is part of the Alpha-Male characteristics, which depending on how cocky they are, can make others see them as jerks.

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If she doesn't like who you are, then there is little you can do in this situation. Perhaps when she grows up a bit more she will come to appreciate your maturity, but for now you'll just have to leave her be. She's not the only girl out there, and plenty of them don't like jerks. Move on.

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Guys are jerks. My advice- dont fall for their crap/

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Guys believe that the best way to get a girl uninterested in them is by being mean/acting like jerks uncharacteristically, it's their way of being repulsive... which doesn't always work. By him being mean he was trying to make it clear that he's not interested anymore.