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sometimes they do becase some guys think that tall ladies are very attractive especially if they show their legs off. hey if you got it you should flunt it!

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Q: Do guys like tall girls im tall but no guys seem to like me and i get put down because im taller than people?
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It all has to do with natural selection. Men being tall probably has to do with years of natural selection. Being tall might have helped early men get mates, get food, or helped them survive in some way that the genes for being tall were passed down to their offspring. Similarly, women might be shorter than men because shorter women might have been a trait that early men favored, or being short might have helped the early women survive in some way that traits for being shorter were passed down to their young.

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No. The above answer is wrong. Indeed you are an inch taller when you lie down! I just did it and I was 5'6 but standing, I'm 5'5. try it =)))))))

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